Monday, October 13, 2008

God who restores

Psalms 23

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want, He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul....

We often have a hard time to slow down.... especially in a driven society, we have a need to prove our worth by our success and achievements.... this adds up to the adrenaline.... The bible clearly states that GOd is shepherd, He shepherd His people in peace... When God makes His people lie down in green pastures, its a picture of rest and security.... the house of God should be a place where people pf God find rest n calmness from the pressure n stress that is going in the world. The secret place of prayer should be a place of rest and refreshing, prayer can be simple as lying beside still waters... the concept of God making us lie down is sometimes lost, we are afraid if we do lie down calmly then nothing productive wld happen..... God thinks differently, as we rest and wait on Him, He would restore our soul and He wld give us the right counsel.... He leades me beside still waters.... still waters... wow.... i can hear Him in calmness... He doesnt lead us to troubled waters... He doesnt need me to always be unease, He wants me to calm down in peace..... hear Him in silent... it is written: in returning and rest, you shall be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.... lets not bow down to the world and ride on their strong horses... lets wait on the Lord for right counsel in the stillness and calmness n then make the wise decision that would impact lives for the good....

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